Business name: Vix Avery Therapy
Date of Notice: 28/03/23
Contact details:
Name: Vix Avery
Phone: 07801815039
Type of personal information collected:
Contact details: name, email address, phone number
Next of kin and emergency contact details
GP contact details
Case notes and records – anonymised
Psychometric measures that are taken during a therapy session - anonymised
Correspondence with you and any external agencies involved
Financial details through transfer of funds for payment
How personal information is collected and why we have it:
Most of the information collected is provided by you in order to carry out the contract of service between us and to process payments for the service provided.
Examples of the use made of this information are:
- To enter into and carry out a contract of service between us
- For the planning and preparation of future sessions
- For reflection on previous sessions
- To process payments relating to the service of contract
- For governance and professional standards requirements
- For professional insurance purposes
I may also receive personal information indirectly in the following circumstances:
- Where you have given me permission to speak to other support agency/agencies in your care
- In the event of needing to ensure your or others’ safety where this involves speaking to other professionals involved in your care who make contact about such safety concerns should they have identified that you or others are at risk
Sharing of your personal information:
We do not share this information with any other organisation or individual, other than those detailed in the ‘Client Agreement’ which forms the basis for the contract between us. The only exception to this relates to payments made for contracted services where identifiers attached by you / your bank to this payment information can be seen by the bank or other financial institution processing that payment.
Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:
- entering into and performing a contract
- legal duty
- legitimate interest
How we store your personal information:
Your information is securely stored.
In accordance with professional and insurance requirements we will retain a record of your personal information (including case records) for a period of 7 years from the point at which the contract between us ends. At the end of that period, any information we have processed will be securely destroyed. At any stage during that period of time, or during the contract, you can request access to the information that we hold in relation to you.
How to complain about data processing
If you have any concerns about the use of your personal information, please contact me in the first instance at If I am unable to resolve your concern, you can contact
You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how your data has been used. The ICO’s address is:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF
Helpline number: 0303 123 1113; ICO Website: